Have you experienced Tidmarsh yet? Join us for weekly “Wednesday Walks” at Mass Audubon Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Plymouth. Hear about the sanctuary’s successful wetlands restoration, view the sanctuary’s native plant and animal species, and learn what is in store for the future. This free guided walk with Mass Audubon staff is geared toward adults and up to 2 miles in length over fairly level terrain. Be prepared for uneven or damp areas. No registration required. Meet at 60 Beaver Dam Road. Rain cancels.
Thank you for leaving pets at home. For more information, email southeast@massaudubon.org
Upcoming Events on the
Kingston Line
57th Annual Juried Art Show (Plymouth)
September 25 - October 24
57th Annual Juried Art Show (Plymouth)
September 26 - October 25
57th Annual Juried Art Show (Plymouth)
September 27 - October 26
57th Annual Juried Art Show (Plymouth)
September 28 - October 27
57th Annual Juried Art Show (Plymouth)
September 29 - October 28